2023/08/01 汚水処理水が海に放出される事について | Ladybird大人クラス用教材ブログ



Fukushima Residents Worry Over Wastewater Release

Beach season has started across Japan, which means seafood for holidaymakers and good times for business owners. But in Fukushima, that may end soon.

Within weeks, the tsunami-hit Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant is expected to start releasing treated radioactive wastewater into the sea.

Residents worry that the water release, 12 years after the nuclear disaster, could be another setback to Fukushima's image and hurt their businesses and livelihoods.

There must be pros and cons to this issue. Releasing contaminated water is a concern for those living in the vicinity, but the reality is that there is no other way to dispose of the treated water.

The most important thing is that we learn from this tragedy. We need to think twice before reopening nuclear power plants and seriously consider alternative energy resources as a better choice.

🧃What are your thoughts on the plan to start releasing wastewater from Fukushima Daiichi into the sea?

🧃What impact do you think the decision will have on local businesses?