

NADPH oxidase is the primary source of superoxide induced by NMDA receptor activation.

Neuronal NMDA receptor (NMDAR) activation leads to the formation of superoxide, which normally acts in cell signaling . With extensive NMDAR activation, the resulting superoxide production leads to neuronal death . It is widely held that NMDA-induced superoxide production originates from the mitochondria, but definitive evidence for this is lacking . We evaluated the role of the cytoplasmic enzyme NADPH oxidase in NMDA-induced superoxide production . Neurons in culture and in mouse hippocampus responded to NMDA with a rapid increase in superoxide production, followed by neuronal death . These events were blocked by the NADPH oxidase inhibitor apocynin and in neurons lacking the p47(phox) subunit, which is required for NADPH oxidase assembly . Superoxide production was also blocked by inhibiting the hexose monophosphate shunt, which regenerates the NADPH substrate, and by inhibiting protein kinase C zeta, which activates the NADPH oxidase complex . These findings identify NADPH oxidase as the primary source of NMDA-induced superoxide production .

Reference:, PMID:19503084