Well, as it can be seen from the below image, getting the invitation via subclass 189 seems almost impossible unless you've got at least 95 of migration points. It's a real nightmare, isn't it?
Australian Department of Home Affairs may have determined that the number of invites for 189 will presumably be only 250 per month. They are undeniably eager to push incoming migrants to the regional Australia, and encourage them to settle within the designated resional areas permanently. As long as they are able to obtain PR within a certain period of time, they are gonna be quite happy.
Just keep in mind that the above 491 is obviously not pertiment to the 491 state sponsorship one.
In order to obtain the invitation via 189, you realistically need at least 95 points and your date of effect for the EOI is quite significant. Here are the two possibilities that you might strive for the acquisition of the invitation within a few months.
If you are still younger than 33:
30 (Age 25 - 33)
20 (English PTE 79 each)
0 (No employment in Japan and Australia)
15 (Bachelor's degree in Japan)
5 (2 years Australian degree)
10 (Master's by research degree)
5 (Study in regional Australia)
10 (Partner skills)
95 points
If you are older than 33 but before 40:
25 (Age 33 - 39)
20 (English PTE 79 each)
0 (No employment in Japan and Australia)
15 (Bachelor’s degree in Japan)
5 (2 years Australian degree)
10 (Master’s by research degree)
5 (Study in regional Australia)
10 (Partner skills)
5 (Professional year in Australia)
95 points
最後少し日本語で纏めると、もし職歴が一切ない場合ですと、上記のような条件を満たさないといけません。確かNATTIはもう日本語がないようですので、これからextra 5 pointsを得ることは不可能です。その分を相殺するには基本的にはオーストラリアの田舎で修士論文号か博士号を取得する必要があります。
Thanks for reading today!!
*PTE Dream Australia Full package
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*Optional services
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English Management Consultant
PTE Dream Australia Masato's English 🇦🇺