




オーストラリアも日本に匹敵するぐらい平均寿命が長いですよね。それでも、日本では稀な病気によって亡くなるケースがあります。有名なのは皮膚ガン(Skin cancer: melanoma) です。Since Australia is nearly devoid of ozone layer, the extent of UV exposure throughout the year, in particular during the mid-summer is gonna be extremely high, which is really frightening. But nevertheless, if you are well prepared for your sun protection, you should most likely be fine. 


上の記事の中の表をご覧下さい。なんかいかにもそれぞれの年齢層にありがちな事故、社会的プレッシャーから引き起こる病気・事故、また身体的な老化による病気等。日本でも同様かもしれませんが、Aged between15 - 24が一番不安定な年齢層ではなかろうかと分析出来ます。自殺、交通事故、麻薬中毒、(婦女)暴行、その他。あとは50才代でまた自殺が増えていることが気になります。日本でも多い傾向ありますが、オーストラリアでもなのか?!と少し驚きです。




Well, that's about it. So, it's really intriguing to see what sorta causes of death in Australia look like by having a quick look at one of the articles from Sydney Morning Herald. I just wanna stop here because otherwise I would have to delve further into the details of this kinda serious topic. A bit depressing though. But, anyway, sometimes it's good to analyse a piece of serious topics a little bit. 


There are several quality newspapers out there in Australia, so if you happen to be in Australia for a travel, or even study, I recommend reading this Sydney Morning Herald or Australian Financial Review for your English learning. 


Thanks for reading!



By the way, if you have any questions about active English learning and PTE exam, please let me know by sending a message to the below email address.







PTE Dream Australia

Program Founder