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The Benefits Of Fall Protection And Forklift Operator Training The Occupational Safety & Health Administration, a division of the U.S. Department of Labor, reports that falling accounts for the majority of worker fatalities in the United States alone. Each year, roughly 100,000 people are injured in work-related falls and between 150 and 200 people are killed. There are also many other preventable workplace injuries including accidents as a result of poor forklift operator training. Fall protection training and forklift operator training deliver the basic knowledge required to lessen the injuries associated with falls and industrial machinery. Fall Protection Training: Overview and BenefitsFall protection training programs should receive accreditation from a relevant accrediting agency. The accreditation ensures students that the program meets the minimum requirements established by local and federal regulations. The goal of the program is to teach students how to avoid falls and lessen the bodily damage sustained during a fall. In addition, programs provide managers and business owners with the basic knowledge required to ensure the workplace remains safe for all workers. Work environments that need protection include those that have runways or ramps, roofing work, residential construction, excavations and openings in walls, to name a few. Training programs cover the importance of using fall arresters, lanyards, full body harnesses and safety belts. In addition, business owners learn to select an appropriate fall protection system that complements the work environment. Participating in a fall protection-training program offers a range of benefits for business owners and employees. For example,, business owners ensure they meet the minimum requirements established by the local laws in the area. Forklift Operator Training Overview and BenefitsThe forklift operator moves materials using an industrial truck. This important job requires a specialized skill set and operating industrial machinery can lead to a range of health related hazards. Consequently,Fake Oakleys, the law requires that operators acquire and maintain the appropriate certification or licensing. Achieving certification or licensing requires training by approved instructors. Forklift operator training delivers the foundation required for the effective and safe operation of approved machinery. Students learn about safety procedures, loading docks, handling loads and managing problems that may arise with the machinery, to name a few. In addition, students learn about refueling, maneuvering, lighting and transporting loads. Training programs offer both theoretical and practical training. Students learn theory in the classroom and practical skills in a laboratory environment that requires them to operate a forklift. Taking the appropriate training can minimize the number of injuries and fatalities that occur each year. Business owners and employees should understand how to prevent falls in the workplace. Installing the appropriate fall protection system enhances worker safety and fall prevention. Forklift operators should receive the appropriate training and ensure they maintain their certification by following the regulations that govern their location.