study-log -27ページ目

The Law Of Attract

The law of attract.

This link is "The Secret". This is about "The law of attract".

The Secret-The law of attract

"The law of attract" means that "oneself thinking, the thing is expecting are realized".

The word "The thougt is realize" is near.

It is all of the life, positve thinking and negative thinking, is result that onself expected entirely.

So I think positive thing everytime.
And I do good-bye of negative thing.

Now I am good condition.

Things keeps having thought.


前回記事"Dissertation "について。

① disssertation
[名] 1 (…に関する)論文((on ...));(特に)博士[学位論文
   2 (文章・口頭による)形式の整った論述

ようは卒論です。学部生の僕は"A graduation thesis"のほうが適切かもしれませんが・・・

② entrepreneur
[名] (特に大きな事業の)企業家, 起業家;請負人(contractor);興行主, 座元






Today's article is about "Dissertation".

Now I'm writing dissertation for graduation. My study is about "Entrepreneur".

What kind of career plan do students that have entrepreneurship think about?

In the first place what is the entrepreneur?

I study such a thing.

Originally people called an entrepreneur created the great companies as Google and Microsoft, SONY.

From Japanese students, I wish that the entrepreneurs who followed those companies were born. And I chose this theme.

I mention it about contents of the detailed study later.

Because a study is busy now・・・



① uneasiness
[名][U]不安, 心配, 不快, 窮屈

② distrust
[動](他)…を信頼しない, 疑いの目で見る, 疑う, 怪しむ(doubt)
[名][U]((時にa ~))(…への)不信;疑惑, 邪推((of ...))

③ unnecessary
[形]不必要な, 無用な, 本質的でない
[名](複 -ies) ((通例-ies))不必要なもの

④ inappropriateness
[名]不適切, 不適切なもの
[形](…に)適した, ふさわしい, 妥当な((to, for ...))
[動] 1 〈物・金を〉(特定の目的に)当てる, 充当する, 使用する((to, for, as ...))
    2 〈議会が〉…の支出を(特定の目的のために)認める;〈政府が〉〈予算を〉(特定の目的のために)計上する((for ...))
    3 …を私物化する;着服する, 横領する;盗用する;〈土地を〉収用する

⑤ non-sudden
[形]突然の, 不意の, 思いがけない, 急な

⑥ lack of budget
[名] 1 [U](…の)不足;欠乏, 欠如((of ...))
    2 不足[欠乏]するもの, 必要とされているもの
[名] 1 経費, 運営費, 生活費
    2 (国家などの)予算(案);予算執行計画(案)
    3 (限られた)たくわえ, 供給
    4 (手紙・ニュースなどの)集積, 束.
    5 ((形容詞的))((婉曲))つましい予算の(人のための)

[ プログレッシブ英和中辞典 提供:JapanKnowledg ]


Point of Business talk

Today I will write a point of business talk.

The basics of the business talk are to remove the following elements.

Ⅰ. Uneasiness
Ⅱ. Distrust
Ⅲ. Unnecessary
Ⅳ. Inappropriate
Ⅴ. Non-sudden
Ⅵ. Lack of budget

Costomers begin to usually talk from Ⅵ as a reason to decline.
However, the salseman must not push forward a story by such an order.

The salesman must begin to talk from Ⅰ.

First, salesman remove the uneasiness and distrust.
So I talk of company and myself.

I usually talk of a scale and a future plan of company.

And I remove from Ⅰ to Ⅵ.

I don't always succeed, but this method is basics of the business talk.

It is that business talk is very difficult ・・・