
日本のステーキハウス「GOJO 」を開店しました。









ここから内田あや がどんな人生を送るのか見守っていきましょう。

The Diary of Guitarist Jo

10ーHello, I’m Here, Kansas City

I stood alone in a very open space in Kansas City
for one big dream: to open my own restaurant.

I found the bungalow style building that I thought it

would have been best suited for my restaurant.
I remodeled the building into a restaurant that I named “GOJO Japanese Steak House.”

The sales of GOJO was making a slow but steady progress.
I have been lucky to have a warm support by peoples in Kansas City.
Now GOJO has became one of the most famous restaurant in Kansas City.

I expanded my business to Japan, so I had to go to

Japan, often.

And, my lifetime interest, playing guitar, has also been

always with me.
I have been playing at local events, military bases, and

lots of places in Japan.

Then, I met a singer, Uchida Aya, in Kyoto.

My dream started from France, Germany, New York,

Boston, and ended up with having a restaurant and a

gorgeous family in Kansas City.
And, Aya started her career as a singer from Kansas

City where is my final destination.

I think life is like continuous events show on stage that we must go on.
It cannot be stopped.

Where is Aya going from here?
Is she going to have an eventful life show on stage like


We will see.

UCHIDA AYA blog     
   内田あや 青い空blog

UCHIDA AYA official web site









The Diary of Guitarist Jo

9ーGood Bye Sayonara Boston

As the time went by, the rumor ran around the town.
The tuna exporting was a profitable business.
Soon many fishery companies took a part in the business.

A small guy like me without funds and organization backing me up could not compete against them.
Besides I kept myself on a harsh work for two years,
my body was beaten up and worn out already.
I felt I couldn’t continue a tuna exporting business any


Fortunately I got some money from the restless two

years in order to invest for my dream;
to open my own restaurant.

I asked Mr. Rocky Aoki for help about opening a restaurant.
“Jo, New York or Boston like big cities, the cost is high and competitive.

In Mid-West there is a city called Kansas City. I heard

Kansas City is growing, and there will be more chance there.
Why don’t you open there?”

I respected him very deeply.
His advice was everything to me like a god commanding me to do so.
I nodded and decided to open my restaurant in an unknown place, Kansas City.

It also meant I had to leave Boston where I really loved and felt like my hometown.
I had never forgotten days and people in Boston.
“Sayonara Boston I will see you some day,”
l promised myself that I would come back.

I left Boston alone.
I was still 21-year-old fearless young man who’s chasing an ambitious dream.

UCHIDA AYA blog    
   内田あや 青い空blog

UCHIDA AYA official web site









アメリカンホスピタリティに触れた 21歳の夏でした。

The Diary of Guitarist Jo

8ーA Hamburger with Tears

A tuna fishing season in Boston lasted about two months.

To get an even higher price offer in the Tokyo market,
I faced two challenges.

First, I had to send a tuna as fresh as possible, not in a

frozen package.
Second, I had to wait for fishermen coming back with a

tuna at the port in order to keep the fish fresh.
The fishermen came back to a port in a morning, noon

and late night, so I could not sleep on a regular basis.
So I spent most of the time near the port, and I got

used to eat a meal at a restaurant close by my workplace.

One day an owner of the restaurant told me sadly,
“Jo, I am happy to see you eating here.
But many regular customers complaining when you came to the restaurant, the whole place smelled like a dead fish.
I really hate to say… but can I ask you please not come here?”
He almost begged me.

I was very poor at that time and I had to wash my body from the water faucet.

“Oh I am sorry I did not notice that… troubling you.
No worry me. I can eat tuna meat,”
l apologized and left the restaurant…

Next morning the owner of the restaurant appeared to my workplace,
“Hi, Jo. I really had done you very wrong.
Last night I could not sleep. Forgive me Jo.
From now on I promise you I am gonna bring you a lunch every day,”
he handed a hamburger to me.

The hamburger was wet with my tears and sweat, but

tasted so good.
He had brought a meal everyday after that.
And he never charged me.

UCHIDA AYA blog    
   内田あや 青い空blog

UCHIDA AYA official web site