Sphere | プロちゃんのブログ


iPhone のメモリーをセーブする為始めた写真中心の個人的な極秘ブログです。気分次第でメチャクチャな英語で書いたり日本語になったり。

I planned this trip long time ago but always ended up with cancelling due to bad weather etc. Finally we made it here! Because it was a too long drive to Bryce Canyon, we spent a night in Las Vegas.

Next morning, we checked out Sphere. Night view was much nicer. 

I was excited about the interaction with Avatars but it wasn’t that much impressive as I expected. They answer questions. Ken asked when the first mustang was released. It answered the exact date and also the place. Just like a computer. It has all the information. Also a guy asked to describe how he looked like. It answered correctly about his clothing and said the same hair style as her. The guy was bald 爆笑

3D images

Inside the auditorium, the photographies were prohibited but everybody was taking pictures and filming. I wouldn’t post it because it is against their will. I took this photo below when we were leaving the auditorium. The show was over so it should be ok. We saw “ Postcard from Earth”. It was like the best flight simulator. Very realistic natures and feeling like real experiences. Because of the dome shape, we really felt like being inside of buildings or water or whatever on the screen. 

Driving to Bryce Canyon, the sceneries were amazing vast landscapes. This is real! Not in Sphere 爆笑 Definitely different landscapes from California. 

Arrived at Ruby’s Inn. Last night was new moon and our purpose was to see Milky Way. 

Just like northern lights, I couldn’t see the colors by my naked eyes. It looked white. Longer exposure enabled to capture some colors. Beautiful and quiet おねがい

We will explore the park in the morning. I can’t sleep from too much coffee キョロキョロ Still thinking about my dear dog Lucky in heaven 犬お願い