Around Lake Kawaguchi | プロちゃんのブログ


iPhone のメモリーをセーブする為始めた写真中心の個人的な極秘ブログです。気分次第でメチャクチャな英語で書いたり日本語になったり。

We had a great time at Kogetsu hotel. They prepared Ken’s breakfast less sodium, too. 

Checking out

First we visited Iyashi no Sato. I used to see these roofs when I was a kid. Now we hardly ever see them. 


Then caves were near by so we stopped at both caves: Wind cave and Ice cave. 

Glowing green moss is food for creatures without eyes in the cave. 

 On the way to Fuji Subaru line. 

Google map took us to the place where we couldn’t go on Subaru line. It was closed for winter. We gave up and headed to Lake Yamanaka. It was foggy by the time we got to the lake. We decided to have dinner. This restaurant was crowded so we thought the food was good. Some famous people visited there such as Kumiko Goto, Michael Fujioka etc. but they weren’t my favorite except this guy I liked in the past 爆笑

Yamanashi’s famous Hoto. Just a thick udon noodles 爆笑

We asked for no source for tempura and fried egg plants for Ken, successfully less sodium. 

Checked in this hotel. Mostly foreign guests were there.  View is obstructed but still a huge Mt. Fuji.