"[PDF READ ONLINE]  Linda McCartney: The Polaroid Diaries


Following her best-selling TASCHEN monograph Life in Photographs, discover a more intimate and highly personal side of Linda McCartney&#8217 s photographic work in The Polaroid Diaries.The collection focuses on McCartney&#8217 s distinctive way of seeing the world and her family, through charming and quirky portraits of Paul McCartney and the couple&#8217 s four children. We see them pulling faces and in matching pajamas. We see James pouring water on himself, and Mary and Stella playing dress-up. There&#8217 s dancing, eating, horse riding, and countless moments of everyday life on their farm in Southern England.As Paul says in the introduction: &#8220 She would just see things. Many of her photos, it&#8217 s just that one click. You&#8217 ve got to recognise when a great photo is happening in front of you. And then you&#8217 ve got to snap it at exactly the right moment&#8230  And she did that so many times that it always impressed me.&#8221  The Polaroid Diaries curates more than 