English Android Meetup | サイバーエージェント 公式エンジニアブログ
Hello, I am Patrick Boos. I am a developer at CyberAgent, Inc.

After more than a year of not having Android Meetups for the foreign community in english, a meetup has been held again. CyberAgent provided rooms in Shibuya for this meetup to take place.
A year and a half ago when the last meetup was held there were about 10 people who participated. This time there were 19 people attending. This shows, that the interest in such kind of meetup has risen and we will try to make this more regularly.

サイバーエージェント 公式エンジニアブログ-People サイバーエージェント 公式エンジニアブログ-Presentation

This meetup took place the week after Google IO and so one topic was the announcements made at Google IO. The rest of the time people presented projects they have been working on, discussing topics like testing on Android or asking and answering questions.
We hope to make this meetup a place where people can come to learn, share, support, present, meet, network and to get inspired and motivated.

Hope to see you there again next month.