System Engineer, tyorikan-san. | サイバーエージェント 公式エンジニアブログ



 ・2011/07には、Ameba締め会にてベストエンジニア賞 & CADC締め会にて技術賞エンジニア部門をW受賞
 ・第15回ジギョつく(*1) アイディア賞受賞




(*1) 社内で半期に1回行われる事業プランコンテストの名称

Hi, this weeks introductory piece is written by us, Tono and Yue, both
of us started working at CyberAgent last year.

This times article was written by Tyorikan. Tyorikan has been with
CyberAgent for about a year now. Despite his reputation as a very easy
going person, he is extremely active and has supervised two services,
won the best engineer prize at the July 2011 Ameba closing function,
another best engineer prize at the CADC closing function and has also
won a prize for his an idea he submitted to CyberAgent's Jigyotsuku(*1)
competition. According to Tono, who has worked with him, he is however a
very dedicated person..

Tyorikan is currently working on a new service due to be released in spring.

Please enjoy his article.

(*1) An bi-annual business idea competition held at CyberAgent.