Infrastructure engineer Maeda-san. | サイバーエージェント 公式エンジニアブログ
ブラック企業? 前編 の続編となる記事は来週公開予定です。





Nice to meet you all. This weeks blog entry is written by us, Furuta and Ichikawa, two graduate hires at CyberAgent.

The author of this weeks article is Mr. Maeda. He has been working at CyberAgent since last year and is mostly involved with infrastructure and virtualization. He spent several years managing infrastructure in the B2B industry before joining CyberAgent and he is also active in the open source community. In addition to this he also has experience writing books regarding virtualization.

Recentry, it would seem that the amount of people getting married and having children has recently been increasing around Mr. Maeda. Consequently there is a large number of people that have to worry about work, open source community commits and family commits at the same time. Both work and familial responsibility is a topic for discussion at CyberAgent and ITmedia happened to publish an article on this the other day (Japanese only. サイバーエージェントが女性エンジニアを増やす理由-ITmediaニュース). Incidentally, not only female engineers but also male engineers can use the child-care leave policies, and some male engineers actually took rest by them. Mr. Maeda himself has recently been collaborating on a book on git in addition to his normal work and private responsibilities. This weeks article is related to said book.

Please enjoy the article.