Smartphone Engineer, Maginemu-san. | サイバーエージェント 公式エンジニアブログ



 さて、今週の記事は、2010年新卒入社で、現在ピグライフの新サービスを開発中のmaginemuさんです。自称 "ゆるふわ系エンジニア" のmaginemuさんは、ゲームが大好きです。休みの日は、1日中家でゲームをしていることも多いとか...。酷使の結果なのか、これまでにXbox(家庭用ゲーム機)を4台壊してしまったそうです。

 大学時代は、映画部に所属していたmaginemuさん。脚本と声優を務めた処女作「時の漣(さざなみ)」は、タイトルからは想像が難しい "さわやかホラー" 映画だそうです。一度、見てみたいですね。


※1 M.S.さんは不定期更新などでこれからも登場いたします。

Nice to meet you all! This weeks introduction is by Kimoto and Kakishima. The engineer blog's regular updates will be performed by new graduate hires from this week on. (*1) Please continue to read and enjoy our engineering blog from here on, too.

This weeks article is by Mr. Maginemu. He was a 2010 graduate hire and he is currently busy developing new services for PiggLife. He is a self-styled "yurufuwa style engineer" (yurufuwa refers to a particular feminine hairstyle) and has a liking for games. On days when he is not working, it is not uncommon for him to spend the whole day gaming at home.. Whether it is the results of overuse or not it is up to debate, but he has managed to break four Xbox consoles up to date..

During his university years, he participated in the movie club. His debut movie, for which he also wrote the script and performed voice acting, 「時の漣(さざなみ)」(The ripples of time), is actually a soft horror movie, though it is extremely difficult to guess that from the title. We would like to view that movie sometime.

That's all from us, please enjoy the article!

*1 M.S. will still be performing irregular updates to this blog.