UNIX System Administrator UDAGAWA-san | サイバーエージェント 公式エンジニアブログ



 リバースプロキシを進化させた一つの形がCDNといえると思いますが、(うちも当然利用していますが)、自社製CDNを作りたい(※)という考えは多くのインフラエンジニアがもちつつも、まだ実現できていません。やりたい人がいたら、ぜひうちを受けてみたらいかがでしょうか? うちのサービスはトラフィックも有数なので、実際の成果も見えやすいかと。


 さて、UDAGAWA氏ですが、中途採用でも数人存在する「ポテンシャル採用」枠の一人です。入社時は、Apacheの設定すらおぼづかなかった彼ですが、現状ではアメーバ全体の画像配信サーバの準責任者となっています。 毎週ジム通いして、体育会系の筋肉オタクだし、夜も豪快で、ここには書けないぐらいだしまったくエンジニアっぽくないのですが、まあ、うちのインフラエンジニアはラッキングも普通にしますから、持ち前の筋肉を使って「4UのストレージサーバをラッキングするならUDAGAWAにおまかせ!」みたいな目立ち方もできますしね。


Hello, folks. I'm M.S.

Today's article written by UDAGAWA-san is about Varnish proxy server. I used to research performance and stability of the product when we were considering to replace AmebaVision system architecture. With regard to proxy servers, I recall one proprietary proxy server software which we used to use to convert graphic images for Japanese mobile phone. The software is not cheap. However its performance is as low as handmade software like DeleGate* ,shell scripting and Imagemagick. The software has more functions though, we were very frustrated with its performance at that time.

We can say the Contents Delivery Network(CDN) is one of the advanced forms from proxy server software, isn't it ? We hope we could make our own CDN by ourselves in the future, because it isn't difficult. If you think you can do it, we would appreciate it if you would move to our company.

*DeleGate is one of famous proxy server software in Japan.

Well...As for UDAGAWA-san, he is one of new engineers who moved from other company. We hire him because he has much potential. He is assistant supervisor for central image delivery servers for Ameba, he couldn't change the configuration setting enough when he entered our company though.

He seems not an system engineer because he is a muscle guy like Judo Athlete. However, his great muscle will be perhaps useful for us to setup servers to server rack. As you know, our system engineers usually setup new servers to server rack as well as configuring software by ourselves. I hope his muscle will move his position high someday.

Ok. please check his article.