Database Engineer 'A.' | サイバーエージェント 公式エンジニアブログ






さて、今週のエントリは女性エンジニアのA氏。 うちに多数いる、個人事業主から正社員になったエンジニアの一人です。昔は某病院で働いていたり、限りなく偽装派遣的な感じで四国に送られたりといろいろあったみたいですが、最近は仕事、プライベートとも落ち着いていらっしゃるようで



Hello, folks. I'm M.S.

I prepare for blog topics as well as writer's introduction every weeks. However, I strongly would like to pick up preliminary battle in DEFCON19. One Japanese team passed the preliminary yesterday. Some people are wondering why I pick up this topic all of a sudden. I know this is a bit far from average topic. Actually, we leased the SOHO meeting room at Odaiba-city office as their battle field. We are now considering to support them more in another ways. This is quite a good news. I hope the Internet Mass Media would pick it up extensively.

Well...this week's entry was written by A. She is one of veteran female engineers. She worked one hospital as a nurse a few years ago, then she changed her career to engineering. I heard a lot of interesting stories from her when she worked as a free-lance engineer. The remark 'I like to improve Oracle performance better than to eat something even if hungry.' which she told me during the interview is just like characteristic of her.

OK. Please check her article.