System Engineer 'Sakamoto-san' | サイバーエージェント 公式エンジニアブログ






 Ameba Visionの商用ストレージをGlusterFSで置き換え たり、多くのエンジニアから業務の相談を受けたりと、優秀なエンジニアの一人のはずですが、パッと思い出すのはガム(クロレッツ)の事。




Hello, folks.

A few days ago, I e-mail all engineers about restructuring of the department. We aim to build a self-disciplined organization because field engineers can find more efficient way to manage projects than t
heir boss. However, When a lot of new staffs enter our company in short-terms, it sometimes takes a long time to find the way due to a lack of communication. That's why I have to order to reorganize it this time in spite of breaking a golden rule.

Well...I dislike to write this kind of sentence. It's like some proprietary software company's criticism about open source software ! However, much it can't be helped. Perhaps our co-worker think it as o
ppressive order, but It's one of my tasks.

By the way, most Americans think both board members and general manager are higher position than field engineer. However, field engineer who make a program code is definitely highest position from my vie
wpoint. It is my constant rule.

Well...this weeks article is written by Sakamoto-san. He is, one of veteran system engineers, entered our company about five years ago. Many young engineers ask him how to solve their personal or busines
s problems because of his gentle character. He rebuilt the Ameba Vision's storage system from proprietary to open source-based one. However, I would like to post here about his anger with chewing gum. Tw
o or three years ago, he got so angry when one co-worker took just three pieces of his chewing gum in spite he had more than one hundred chewing gum pieces in a plastic case. Before writing this article, I asked whether I can post this topic and why he got so angry. He told me that he couldn't put up with three pieces even if he could put up with two pieces. I don't get it is big difference.

Additionally, I asked him to give me chewing gum pieces after he answered above question, but he 'just' gave me one piece of chewing gum.

OK. Please check his article.