Web Service Platform Engineer 'Okura-san' | サイバーエージェント 公式エンジニアブログ




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Hello, folks. I'm M.S.

The next article is written by Okura, a veteran network engineer. She has been with our company for about five years. Because of that, she remembers the old times when all of our engineers worked very hard.

Well...she is actually preparing to go on maternity leave in November, and will give birth at the beginning of next year. I think many of this blog's women readers would be interested in knowing what benefits our company offers to staff who are expecting. It is common (at our company) for expecting staff members to go on maternity leave to give birth to and care for their children. Some of them are engineers, and others hold other positions within the company. We usually make custom support rules for staff that are expecting. The good point of this way is we can consider benefits on an individual basis, based on factors such as position, salary, and amount of working time they can afford to take off.

Our company usually likes this method, but unfortunately foreign engineers who want to move to our company from another company can't know the benefits we offer expectant staff in advance, because we can't show them any generic rules. As a result, some of them feel uneasy about whether we can fully support pregnant staff.

Okura-san cares about this drawback, so this time she made generic and public rules for expecting female engineers, and wrote about them. You can see a part of them from the next article. She discussed it a lot beforehand with both personnel department staff and our GM. I think this rule will improve female engineers' working environments.

I expect our company should be entered on the famous Internet survey 'Best companies for female engineers', because we are the only company among famous Internet media companies in Japan to have these kind of concrete rules for pregnancies and time off to take care of children.

By the way, one of my female friends working at an IT venture company asked her boss to allow her leave to give birth. However, her boss refused her request. He told her that there was no precedent in their company. This is a terrible answer, because maternity leave is a female employee's right. To refuse it is illegal. Moreover, I think the reason he gives is awful for an IT venture company because IT venture companies should make new rules all the time.

Well...please check her article.