Java & Flash Script Engineer 'K.' | サイバーエージェント 公式エンジニアブログ
 Adobe系の活動では、Ameba VisionのskimeeやAmeba PACOのお絵描きエディタ、うちが海外で展開するゲームの一部なども担当しています。

* 今後、追々話していきます。

 なお、誤解のないようにいうとうちのエンジニア離職率は同業種の中でダントツに低いレベルです。異業種含めてもかなりの低数値では? もっとも離職率ゼロというのは悪い意味を含む場合もありますので、それは目指していないのですが。

 K.さんからは10月下旬-11月初旬に開かれるAdobe Max 2010の出張レポートも「海外」テーマの欄で記載される予定です。どうかお楽しみに。

The first inaugural entry was written by K. who is a well-experienced Java and Flash engineer. With our colleagues, he made a lot of services like Skimee of Ameba Vision, the drawing editor of Ameba PACO, and some online games which are for foreigners.

A few years ago he had worked as a Java engineer in charge of our blog service, but at that time he was about to leave his position. It was a miserable time for our engineers*. All of our engineers, including him, were looked down by other sections in our company. Fortunately, he was able to change his position in our company and remains in our engineer section now. Retaining him brings a lot of benefits to our company.

Lastly, K. will write about from Adobe Max 2010, which will be held from the end of Oct. to the beginning of Nov. I hope you will enjoy it.

* We will write about this topic in detail in the future.