インドの学生ビザ申請 | インドの校長先生の話 (日本人の英語の話し方)

インドの校長先生の話 (日本人の英語の話し方)



3.オリジナル入学許可書とそのコピー (認可教育機関での全日制課程)
5.航空券予約確認表 (航空会社または旅行社発行)
<英語の説明> こちらの説明の方が理解しやすいところもあります。
1. Curriculum Vitae.
2. If applicant is below 18 years old, then they require no objection certificate from either of the parents in English language only (Must be printed on A4 size paper along with the signature).
3. Original proof of financial stability (personal bank account statement) or an undertaking from either of the parents (accompanied by a bank guarantee).
4. Proof of admission to a full-time course in a recognized educational institution in India (Original Letter of Admission & copy of it to be submitted during application).
5. Submit the Proof of admission fee paid and copy of it.
6. Copy of provisional travel bookings. (issued by travel agency on letter head or Airline ticket)