=Independece Day祝日

It is pretty rare to have 4th of July on Friday, so I was excited音譜

We went to Santa Cruz(?) Beach for BBQ-!!

People brought food and had fun togetherクラッカー
We were just chilling......

We had a very good chefナイフとフォーク

And it was just nice to take some nap.......ぐぅぐぅ

And woke up and had some fun on the beach波


Part of my jeans was wet......汗

And we found Puggie againニコニコ
He had Coach leash...... Wow-

And he decided to stay on the top of ice chest.......

After the huge meal-, we made some smoresキスマーク
Matt is enjoying his share音譜


And at night, we watched some fireworks(unfortunately it was illegal on the beach actually.......).
Matt is warming his legs and just chilling-

It was pretty relaxing and nice 4th of July-黄色い花