おはよございます!!!! | ◄ v 2 . 「将来の季節の変化」


Hiiii~ (・∀・)/
I have some good news to tell you! ラブラブ
Alot of good news. (laughs)

Well, my injury is finally healing slowly but surely.
It thankfully didn't get infected and there was no need to go to the hospital. (・ω・)b
I'll be feeling alot better in a few weeks or so. クラッカー

Just heard about a song from Versailles! (。・ω・)ノ゙
It's called Zombie, so awesome, right????? ドキドキ
It sounds amazing!
I just can't stop listening to it. (ノ´▽`)ノ ⌒

Although this is great news, I do have some bad news. (。・ε・。)汗
A few weeks ago, this odd bump appeared under my eye.
It doesn't hurt or itch but it's still scaring me. o(TωT )あせる
It feels like it's even gotten bigger since then!
But, i'm sure I'll be okay, right?? DASH!
Please hope that Kanon will feel better soon, nyeh~??? o(;△;)o

This has been Kanon~
じゃね~!!!! (°∀°)b