Hello there~ (*゜▽゜ノノ゛☆ | ◄ v 2 . 「将来の季節の変化」

Hello there~ (*゜▽゜ノノ゛☆

Welcome to my new blog~
I hope everybody is having a great day!!! ヾ(@°▽°@)ノ
I've really been wanting to interact more with people online!
But I've been so busy with other things. ヾ(▼ヘ▼;)
Anybody who likes japanese rock or fashion come talk to me so we can play, nyeh?? (●´ω`●)ゞ

I love meeting new people that have the same interests as me.
Please don't be shy around Kanon, okay? (。・ω・)ノ゙
Thank you for reading today~ ドキドキ