Professional sports players generally draw extremely high wages. They help many people feel excited. However, there are mixed reactions to their salary. Some people suggest that sports stars should be paid a lot of money due to the great risks they take. Others claim that they are paid too much.


In order to be a professional sports player, a special talent is important. Besides, self-control is required in order not to get injured. Those who have a special talent and try to practice very hard can be paid a lot of money.


On the other hand, there are so many people who work at a bank, restaurant, or moving company. Unlike sports stars, they cannot have fitting compensation for their labors. There is no doubt that their work is really helpful for human life. They desperately work for their life.


From my perspective, people who work at a bank or moving company should draw wages at a definitely reasonable price. Without their work, it would be really inconvenient for us to survive.

「a lot of」が多すぎる…。 一部書き直しました。

「big money」はインフォーマルで、他に言葉が思い浮かばず。。「enough」では弱い気がして…。

最後の段落の「a lot of」は「definitely reasonable」のような表現に代替え可能だろうか。

と思いまして「at a definitely reasonable price」としてみました。


