What do you do for fun? How come you enjoy your favorite hobby? It comes near to stating the obvious that I have a favorite hobby.


 When it comes to music, I tend to be enthusiastic. I try to check some songs which I have not known yet on the internet when I hear such songs at a shop, cafe, or restaurant. On top of that, I like singing songs and dancing.  When I feel sad or tired, I cannot help listening to my favorite songs because I want to get rid of the stress and frustration and to control myself. I also listen to a lot of songs which are related to my feelings at that time. I usually begin listening to music by starting an electric device like 'i-pod'.


 Why do not you listen to music for fun? Actually, I believe that music helps us be full of energy. No music is no life. Let us have fun!






最近はThe Big Bang Theoryを部屋で流しているわけなんですが、




