Good mornin' guys. It is 7am on 25th Feb at Los. (? cuz I write this now, midnight on 25th, but in my plan, I'll update this at morning.)

Anyway, this is the last day of my graduate trip to the US. The only thing I left is taking an airplane.
I think I got many and many experiences within this weeeeeek.

I wanna write details for next visitor to the US, but now let me write my roughly thinking.

The United States of America, which stands on over the big ocean from Japan always gives us Japanese new things.
My biggest memory is the calture of credit card. Here, we can use credit card everywhere and $100 bills are hated, I felt.
Because of the advanced technology of bills, Japan can't introduce this culture in next dozens of years.
And it has a lot kinds of ppl. It was awsome that I could met many Japanese. in addition, having walked a road, I could catch many kinds of faces within my eyes.
I could also feel "the land of freedom" with good or bad.

んー なんかざっと振り返ってみるとあまりにも違うことが多すぎてかけなくなっちゃいますね笑
Ammmm I can't write anymore cuz I felt sooo much feeling now lol

Anyway, the differences of cultures, languages can't separate us, the earthers. We are living together. So many ppl makes this world, and so many feelings fly over the sky.
Okay, let me sleep with this strange feeling come from the night of Los. (actually already past midnight lol)


The time to leave here.
ブタ ぽたじろう ウサギ