Hey guys:)
Now, I'm staying at NY!! wow!

First, i wanna talk one story. im writing this blog with using the PC of the hotel i stay. But sadly, i cant find any ways to type japanese. so i tried to use google translate to write down this blog .. and then ...

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Today, i came to NY with airplane!
it was sooo long day.
it was funny that i took a departure from japan at 11am. but we arrived at jfk airport at 10am.

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what a strange formal japanese! when do i use them???? lol

btw, im too tired to use any stickers or kao-moji(face words? i dont know how to say this in english).

okay, so i gave up to update blog in japanese today.
haha, of course if i use ipad, i can type japanese. but using PC lets me get less tired than using ipad. Especially as a point of typing.

As above, it was very long trip from Nagoya to NY (via Narita). but it was quite nice!! many services in the flight was wonderful and i made new friends in the flight!
My seat was next to my friend but there is a route between us. so i can talk little with my friend. of course, i like or love talking and i cant keep silent, i talked with a girl who was sitting opposite side with my friend(it means very next to me), and another woman who was sitting the opposite side of her. it made the flight time awesome:)
after arriving at NY, I felt this is not a japanese stage at all, everyone speaks english and there are no japanese words i can look.
judging from this blog for example, my english skill is not good at all..
but i felt having communication is easy even if i cant use english completely.
Many of my japanish (lol) was accepted by newyorker. and i felt, hmm as i knew, communicating with people is the most amazing thing in the world:)


new york is the good city but it has a bit scared side. so i must pay attention especially about myself. and have a nice day!
wish me luck

ブタ potajiro ウサギ