You know?
Pokémon is famous not only in Japan but also in the world.
GTS,Global Trade Station,the pokémon-exchanging system through the Internet.
One day I got an Escavalier (whose Japanease name is シュバルゴ) by GTS.
His OT is "AAAAAAA".
Today I was playing the GTS-negotiation.
GTS negotiation :
It is also pokémon-exchanging system.
Although GTS is indirect system, GTS-negotiation is direcgt.
GTS is the system : man-web-man.
GTS-negotiation is the system : man-man.
In the third.. forth..?? connect, surprisingly, I met "AAAAAAA"!!!!
First, I didn't notice him and I export my Escavalier(of cause whose OT is AAAAAAA!!!).
Then He accept this exchange, and I noticed him.
So, Escavalier traveled from AAAAAAA to me and to AAAAAAA!!!

It's a small small world♪

Incidentally, AAAAAAA is Afghan.
Pokémon is wonderful game.
If you have, enjoy GTS!!!

ブタ Potajiro ウサギ