Description: PlanDoCheckAdjust - Seven Cookies - Project Management - 6656 KB - Business

PlanDoCheckAdjust v.1.3

PlanDoCheckAdjust helps teams manage activities throughout the Plan, Do, Check, and Adjust stages of the problem solving process. PlanDoCheckAdjust allows for multiple teams to record issues identified by their team members for resolution. Notifications are displayed for overdue actions and reports can be used to schedule review meetings, provide details on the problem statement and findings, or be used to review actions in preparation for a review meeting. An issue has the following attributes: - Problem statement; - Person identifying the issue and date raised; - RASCIQ (Responsible, Approver, Support, Consult, Inform and Quality Review) model is supported to record roles so as to ensure adequate resources are available. - Photos of the before and after state of the issue can be stored (add images by drag-and-drop) For each step in the Plan-Do-Check-Adjust cycle: - Record a summary of activities and findings; - Use a to-do list for actions, due dates and completions to assign tasks and motor progress; - Record the date started, review date and completion of each plan, do, check, adjust stage.

iMac Pro [7920 kbytes]
Recomended! version vers.3.3_PlanDoCheckAdjust_OoH6.tar.gz [6323 kbytes]
Version High Sierra 5H7rRR-PlanDoCheckAdjust-1.4.pkg [7055 kbytes]

Seven Cookies

Best! version 2.7.2
to 10.14.2 vers.1.0.5.Easy.Image.Converter.rFG.dmg 1.0.4
Updated 10.14.3 0.6.2
New! version VERS.2.0.10.REFLY.EDITOR.CXZDX.DMG 2.1.6
Updated on Mojave ORION_PDF_AUTHOR_2_VER._3.30.1_7LKWZ.APP 2.98
Featured for MacBook Pro VER-4.4.0-BROWN-UNIVERSITY-TN3270-X-CJW.DMG 3.4.3

{5923 kb} Get 9FTRAy ver. 1.6 PlanDoCheckAdjust 1.7 Recomended Sierra
{7920 kb} Update pxD 2.3 PlanDoCheckAdjust 1.4 Best 10.12
{6256 kb} Software PlanDoCheckAdjust v.2.3 7u9WR 1.7 Recomended Sierra
{6056 kb} Get VERS 1.6 PLANDOCHECKADJUST XUCZ 1.5 Recomended to Mojave
{7121 kb} Update 3.3 PLANDOCHECKADJUST KOAY 1.7 High Sierra
{6855 kb} Download PLANDOCHECKADJUST V 1.5 GBN7NL 3.3 Recomended! version