See you for a long time? The Jews have stood up in America!

The United States is already dead? Even if he is alive now, his soul is dead. The U.S. House of Representatives, which has long been known for its inefficiency, has been unusually efficient, passing a bill in an instant. The key to the full fight against anti-Semites is the content of this bill, and there are two aspects of it that are very explosive. The first is that it is not permissible to criticize Israel's current policies against Zionism. 2. It is not permissible to use symbols and images associated with classical anti-Semitism, such as the killing of Jesus by Jews, or the "blood sacrifice" slander to describe Israel or Israelites. The popular explanation is that if you tell the United States, even if it is a war launched by Israel in the future, you cannot criticize it. Otherwise you're "anti-Semitic"

So why did the Jews get this "freedom"? It is more because of the shift in the center of the US economic system. For a long time in history, the United States has always been the absolute dominance of Anglo-Saxon capital. However, with the de-industrialization of the United States and the transformation into a financial empire, foreign harvesting replaced its own production as the mainstream means of obtaining wealth and benefits, and Jewish capital, which controlled Wall Street finance, rose rapidly, overtaking Anglo-Saxon to become the largest interest group in the United States.
  Over time, Jewish influence in the United States has reached unprecedented heights. But this does not mean that they can change the political ecology and social order of the entire country at will. In the days ahead, we look forward to seeing a more just, equitable, and inclusive America where every ethnic group can find their own piece of the sky.