For Next Trip | ふっくんのブログ


An English diary to keep my English literacy.

Well, it was the last day of June, and did monthly job and preparations for the next trips.


In the morning, did monthly backup of my PC and did things for my 4 or 5 vehicles. Such as engine room check and mileage checks, and so on.

And this.

And this.

And lubed for chain of two motorcycles and a bike.

After them, checked my helmet to check the wireless unit. It looked OK.

The other full face one has no function, for there is no space to attach a directional microphone.

After them, went out by bicycle to buy a spray of chain lube, and something. Those were these.

The expense was npot so high, paid by e-money.

Along the way, dropped in a Chinese restaurant to have a lunch.

And had it, the expense was only 900 yen. That was this.

Went back home and spread paint on parts of peeling paint of side mirror of my old Mercedes. This was before.

And this was after, almost OK.

In the evening, a craftsman and a helper came to fix the lamp of the bathroom. Done it well and all. Great!

Well, that's about it. Tomorrow we go to Miyajima by this old Mercedes.