It's Summer | ふっくんのブログ


An English diary to keep my English literacy.

It's June, yes, summer has come. As the first day of every month, did examinations to all vehicles of mine. 
First air pressure check by electric tool, like this.

Second, mileage check to see engine-oil renewal timing. Every vehicle was OK.

And engine room chek, every liquid check, and was OK, too.

Finally, lubed to all chain of bikes and a trike, Niken GT.

On the way found the rubber band was scared of my rea box of Hunter Cub. That was this.

And renewed it, like this. 

After them, went out under the sun. First, filled gasoline to my Hunter Cub.

And enjoyed motorcycling, for it was sunny.

Had a brief stop at Inouhana Pass.

The store looked getting down. Yes, time flies. It's already summer in 2024. No way!