Motorcycling to Matsuyama | ふっくんのブログ


An English diary to keep my English literacy.

My motorcycle-friend in Matsuyama bought a new motorcycle, he told. And we, 4 motorcycle group members got together at his home in Matsuyama at 13:30.
Me, got motorcycled to there through 250 kilometers riding without toll road on the forward trip. The route was this. Great!

Left home at around 8:45 by my Niken GT. It was cloudy and good for motorcycling, in the beginning

But, on the way, at Kawanoe, it turned a bit rainy. 

And had a stop to wear rain wears which was the first wearing.

It was not enough for high-speed motorcycling. I'll buy a new and expensive one later for Niken motorcycling.

And disrobed at Saijo or somewhere and headed for his home at Nakano Town, Matsuyama.

At his home, there was the Eliminator 400, the motorcycle.

We looked and talked about it. After it, we got into his living room and drunk a cup of coffee or two, talking about life, health, the next trip to Kyushu and all that.

Left his home at around 16:00, and headed for home through toll roads from Komatsu o Takamatsu. For there was no gas stand around his home and gas-charging at on a road of not toll one.

Came home at around 18:30 without trouble. Well, that's about it. Enjoyed motorcycling, my life enough.