Fishing in Rain | ふっくんのブログ


An English diary to keep my English literacy.

Motorcycling was scheduled originally, but it was not done because of rain forecast.

So, decided to go out for fishing, instead. loaded all fishing gear on Hunter Cub, as usual. First, put my small cooler box in a big one. Good!

And put them on Hunter Cub. The bubber ropes and joint parts were my twist. Great!

All fishing gears were on. Let's go!

Arrived our fishing port as planned at a bit after 6 a.m..

The sea was calm, and rain wasn't. Good for fishing.

Fished and fished. The size was around 40 to 50 centi-meters.

The baseboard of my fishing tool box worked well. And the fook joint twist worked well, too. Good!

Along the way, rained a bit from 8:30 and closed fishing and hurried to home in rain.

And washed the fishing gears and wears by water and hung them under roof. Like this.

In the afternoon, went out for a shopping mall by Jimny Sierra to throw away trushes in  a public bin.

On the way back to home, dropped in a motorcycle gear shop, named Iwasaki in rain.

There, found a engine oil drain washer for my Hunter Cub, but the price was 110 yen per a one. Expensive.

There, wondered to buy a rain wear set for motorcycling. But, didn't.

Well, that's about it, enjoyed my life enough.