Free Refills Whitebait Bowl | ふっくんのブログ


An English diary to keep my English literacy.

We, 4 aged motorcyclists went to enjoy whitebait bowls with free refills at the seafood company '土佐角弘海産' in Koch. Iwas the planner and the leader of it.
We, got together at Saita road station at 9:30, and left home at 8, heading for there by my foavorite motorcycle, Niken GT. Great!

From home to there, urinated twice, LOL. Cherry blossoms were almost all out. Yes, time flies.

Got together as planned at Saita.

Arrived the company which open only Saturday noon. The expense is very little. Great!
There were around 50 people were waiting outside.

This is the set menu, only 620 yen. Great!

Refilled the bowl once, and soup, too. On top of that, refilled 4 times on raw whitebait. Geat!

Left there and headed to the skirt of the most beautiful water river, Niyodo, and went to the road station 633Bi-no-Sato. There, had a brief stop, and headed for Saijo through Kanpuzan Tunnel.

From Saijo, used toll road, and part at Toyohama SA, as planned.

And came home with safe, as planned. Enjoyed enough. The total mileage was around 400 kilometers. Enough!