Dried Sardine Ramen | ふっくんのブログ


An English diary to keep my English literacy.

It was not rainy and went out by Hunter Cub to enjoy dried sardine ramen at Kanonji City.

Arrived the restaurant as pland at a bit before noon.

The restaurant looked a bit popular but a bit shabby. And it was same as before.

My choice was this, a bowl of concentrated dried sardine ramen with port, 1,000 yen. A bit expensive.

Around 5 workers were working there, there was few job opportunity in Kanonji, supposed.

After the lunch, went to this road station where was went end of this prefecture.

Cherry blossoms were just coming out. Yes, it's spring.

From there to home, through Tokushima Prefecture and went back.

Well, that's about it. Nothing in particular.