Restaurant 'R' | ふっくんのブログ


An English diary to keep my English literacy.

After my morning routine, make the paper which was from Takamatsu City to deliver 100,000 yen each family, and drop the letter into a post. That was this. Stupid government.

After them, a craftsman came to fix the washable toilet of my home, from Sekisui House Co. But the equipment was not suitable and the guy came back.
Although, a guy came around a mont before to see and confirm the toilet status, and they sent us an estimate and we sighed then the contact was done. And the craftsman came, after over a month later. No way! Be hanged!


After them all, went out to test a lunch at a new restaurant close to my home. The restaurant name was 'R' and was located in rice field and country side.

Got into it, and the inside of the restaurant was new and clean.

Mine was a set of hamburg lunch, 900 yen. It was OK, and was enough volume. That was this.

My wife's one was ramen set, 850 yen. It was enough and reasonable. Another bowl of steamed rice was OK and free. Good!

Went back home and stayed at home It was rainy and did web-surfing to kill time at home.


In the evening, went out for wondering. The first looking was the shabby noodle restaurant. That was this, not working. Closed?

The second stop was at a house reform branch of a company where we visited on the way from the lunch at the restaurant 'R'.

After them all, stop at a gas station and filled gasoline to two spare tanks and my Jimny Sierra.

One spare tank was for Hunter Cub and it contain was 0.75 liter and the other was for Jimny, and was 3 liters.

In the evening, at around 6 or 7 pm, call from a service man of Sekisui House was, and he told he came to my home and wanted to apology the mistake. Mu answer was we had waited for a month and mre and made the contract already and only a colling kicked all effor away.
Aid 'I would like not to see you.' Well, that's about it.