Got Skunked | ふっくんのブログ


An English diary to keep my English literacy.

As scheduled, left home at 6:20 heading for our fishing port by Hunter Cub, in darkness.

Arrived the port as planned. No wind, good for fishing.

Left my Hunter Cub at the wharf, as usual, went out for fishing by our boat.

The target fishes were horse mackerel, rockfish, porgy and flatfish. Tried to fish as well as I could.

The sea was calm, good for fishing. However, no fish, even a sign didn't happen. No way!

We, 3 aged fools got skunked all. No way!

Got back to our wharf, and loaded all fishing gears on the Hunter Cub again, and went back to home. Tons of tears. No way!

At home, washed the fishing gears, and tried to make them dry. Like this.

The rest things were, emailing, texting, ordering see eel lunch at Miyajima Ueno, and so on.

Well, that's about it. Yes, got skunked. No way!