Free Monday | ふっくんのブログ


An English diary to keep my English literacy.

It was sunny and went out for the downtown to throw away trash into a bin of Kawaramachi Station, by bicycle.
And took walking through arcades for exercise.

On the way, took a lranch at a noodle restaurant. It was this, 250 yen.

Walked back to the station. Then it was a bit past noon. Good exercise.

And bicycled to a Japanese restaurant to take a lunch. The restaurant was this, the name is Akiyama.

It was a typical Japanese lunch. Miso soup, pickles, fish, and steamed rice and so on. It's only 900 yen. Reasonable and healthy.

Went back home, and tried to ride my Hunter Cub. First rode it to Naruto where was around 50 kilometers far from my home.

And went back home. Then total riding mileage was around 100 kilometers.

In the evening, spent time watching the baseball game on TV. Japan vs Hanshin. Well, that is about it.