Millet Dumpling (きび餅) | ふっくんのブログ


An English diary to keep my English literacy.

Here in 讃岐, people eat rice dumpling which has sweet soy beans in it by white miso (あんこ入り白味噌雑煮), as a new Year's meal.
Instead rice dumpling, my home area, 備中, we eat millet dumplings (きび餅) for it. I've been refusing to have 讃岐 meal.


Yeah, Christmas and New Year day are upcoming. The did preparation for the traditional New Year's meal. 

These days, to get Japan made millet is too hard, but I've found a way to get it at a small local gristmill skirt of Mt. Tsurugi in Tokushima. It was 100 kilometers far from my home.
Left home at around 10 by my old Mercedes heading for the gristmill.

The closest JR station to the gristmill was 三縄 , no-man station. Only 5 trains were per a day. No toilet at the station. No way!

Arrived the gristmill at a before noon. A shabby one, and it has a small restaurant area which opens only weekend noon with 20 bowls of buckwheat.

Bought 3 kilograms millet, 1,800 yen per a kilograms. Expensive.

And enjoyed two bowls of buckwheat as my lunch. It was 600 yen per a bowl, expensive, too. An Old man runs ti, and millet is produced by local old people assisted by the local government. Yes, it will be closed within a decade or so, I'm sure, for China made one price is only 10 percent of it.

On the way back to home, dropped in a local bakery, anmed Agora, in Marugame City to enjoy breads.

This is the largest あんパン in Japan, the store says. あんパン means a kind of sweet bread, sweet crushed soy beans in it.

Also, カレーうどんパン was on sale, LOL!

Also, the largest クリームパン in Japan was on sale. It means a bread which has sweet cream in it.

Bought 3 breads, each of them were large enough.

You can see the size.

And this.

The big sweet cream in it.

Went back home at around 15:00. And started to make my New Year's cards.

Yes, time slips through my fingers.