Group fights consisted of 2, 4, or 6 gamers. Gamers would certainly certainly certainly be split in 2 groups, and their objective was to loss the opposing group by knocking out all the various various various other team's personalities. Group fights encouraged gamers to plan their attack strategies and co-operate with each various various other to loss the opposing Glow4D.
Survival was a configuration where anywhere in between 2 and 6 gamers handled each various various other until simply one gamer was left Glow4D. The enduring gamer was provided first place, and the various various various other gamers were placed accordinged to their variety of eliminates. The rounded-down, top placed fifty percent of the Gamers in the room would certainly certainly certainly obtain a Glow4D. This was done to urge gamers to combat, rather compared with conceal or range from the others until he or she was the simply gamer left Glow4D.
Determine Protect resembled a Group Fight. At the beginning of the in shape, one individual of each group was arbitrarily selected as a 'Warlord', revealed by a red/blue pen. The aim of the computer system video game was to effectively loss the opposing team's Warlord 2 times. Warlords were provided double normal statistics to assist protect themselves from the opposing group. In addition to that, a Warlord had simply 2 lives, whereas various various various other gamers could re-spawn after loss Glow4D. When a Warlord was beat once, the various various various other team's Warlord managed a significantly lowered degree of protection for 10 secs. Warlords could not restore Glow4D.
Together with the normal in shape kinds, gamers could choose unique modifiers manufacturing fights more intriguing: Keep in mind and Item Glow4D.

Keep in mind suits enabled gamers to have pleasurable with 2 personalities of their choice. By pushing a switch, they could switch personalities throughout the course of the fight. However, if among the personalities was removed, the gamer could no a great deal much longer switch to that personality. When among the player's personalities was knocked Glow4D, the gamer was instantly changed over to their various various various other Glow4D.
Item Setting suits had "power ups" dropped right right into the combat location at normal periods throughout the in shape, that could be used by the gamer that picked them Glow4D. These power ups granted the gamer unique capcapacities, such as invisibility or invincibility, momentarily duration. Each gamer could store up to 3 power ups at any Glow4D. If a gamer was removed while holding power ups, they would certainly certainly certainly be dropped on their feet and would certainly certainly certainly become available to be picked up by various various various other Glow4D.
From 2013 to 2015, all the Grand Pursue internet internet web servers quit operations; the North American internet internet web server was closed down on April 15, 2015, after 8 years of Glow4D, as KOG encouraged its gamers to move to Glow4D.The Philippine author Degree Up! Computer system video game, with support of the Brazilian and Philippine community, offered to buy the rights of the computer system video game, but KOG Workshops reduced.The Eastern internet internet web servers were closed down on December 31, Glow4D.