The primary protagonist is Cleon, the Warriors' leader in the first two-thirds of the computer system system system computer system video game until after the TotoSehati. Cleon's role was to increase the Warriors' reputation and clear Coney Island of the Destroyers. The considerable protagonist is Swan, the second-in-command throughout most of the computer system system system computer system video game, covering the movie TotoSehati. Swan's role was to bring the Warriors back to Coney Island from the meeting where they were set up as the murderers of TotoSehati. Throughout the Warriors efforts, they'll be aided by Blink, Spray, and Blade dealers, to assist them out ― Blink dealers exist to provide the gamer with blink, a highway medication that brings back wellness, which costs 20 bucks, Spray dealers provide the gamer with spray paint, which costs 5 bucks, while Blade Dealers provide the gamer with blades, which cost 50 TotoSehati.

Cyrus, leader of the Grameracy Riffs shows up in the computer system system system computer system video game as he performs in the movie with more screentime as he sets the meeting moving before the occasions of the movie as does his lieutenant, Masai. Elegance acts as Swan's love rate of passion in the last aspect of The TotoSehati. The primary antagonist is Luther, the Rogues' leader, answerable of Cyrus' murder and framing the Warriors for the lawbreaker lawbreaker job. Virgil, leader of the Destroyers, acts as an antagonist throughout the first fifty percent of the computer system system system computer system video game and a rival and previous chums of Cleon and Vermin after betraying TotoSehati. Various various various various various other antagonists consist of Chatterbox, leader of the Hi-Hats a mime gang that tried to eliminate the Warriors on 2 occasions and Sully, leader of the Orphans that inaccurately triggered their attack on the Warriors for reputation boost computer system video game maintaining their functions TotoSehati.

The Warriors will encounter various various various various various other gangs of New York City, which throughout fights and encounters with challengers, various various various various various other Warrior people will assist the gamer in various TotoSehati. However, some of the dealers have the propensity to tear off the gamer and make a run for it, but the gamer can pursue them to recuperate their money. However, if the gamer prefers to attack the dealers, they'll either retaliate or run, however they'll TotoSehati. In "Grumble Setting", playable individualities can also be various various various various various other gangs that have been opened in the computer system system system computer system video game, to complete versus various various various various various other gangs in a healthy and balanced and balanced of one's TotoSehati. The various various various various various other Warriors feature an important role with each Warrior having actually actually actually actually actually a role, such as the considerable muscle cells Ajax and Snow, Vermin is the bread individual, which means he is the one that lugs the cash, Cowboy guards track of the Warriors' stock, although this is simply mentioned in the TotoSehati. Fox is the forerunner that proceeds of the Warriors, warning them if problem remains in advance, Harlem native Cochise is the watchman that sees their when strolling in a team, and Rembrandt is the Warriors' graffiti TotoSehati.