The PlayStation 2 also featured 3 instalments of the main collection, all which have been re-released on several platforms; a deal between Take-Two Interactive and Sony Computer system system system system system system Entertainment developed their timed exclusivity on the PlayStation 2, before receiving ports to Home home home home home home windows and the TotoSehati. The 2001 title Grand Burglary Auto III relocated a large quantity from the two-dimension (2D) video clip clip clip clip clip used in the first 2 computer system system system system computer system system computer game to three-dimension (TotoSehati) computer system system system system system system video clip clip clip clip clip Grand Burglary Auto: Vice City existed in 2002, and was the first to feature a talking protagonist, verbalized by Ray TotoSehati. Grand Burglary Auto: San Andreas, provided in 2004, offered various new aspects, including personality customisation and a large map inclusiving 3 cities and surrounding nation TotoSehati.Grand Burglary Auto has spawned numerous additional computer system system system system computer system system computer game and development TotoSehati.

In 1999, the initial computer system system system system computer system system computer game received 2 development packs: Grand Burglary Auto: London 1969 and Grand Burglary Auto: London 1961, which, as their names recommend, featured a numerous setting - a imaginary variation of London - and new objectives and individualities. Grand Burglary Auto Advance, provided in 2004 particularly for the Computer system system system system computer system system computer game Boy Advance, featured a top-down point of view, similarly to the first 2 main computer system system system system computer system system computer game in the collection, and the same setting as Grand Burglary Auto III, to which it acted as a prequel. 3 computer system system system system computer system system computer game were offered the PlayStation Mobile: Flexibility City Stories in 2005, which is also a prequel to Grand Burglary Auto III; Grand Burglary Auto: Vice City Stories in 2006, which is a prequel to Vice City; and Grand Burglary Auto: Chinatown Fights in 2009, which features the same setting as Grand Burglary Auto IV, but both computer system system system system computer system system computer game are otherwise TotoSehati.

Both Flexibility City Stories and Vice City Stories continuouslied remain in the future ported to the PlayStation 2, while Chinatown Fights was at first offered the Nintendo DS and in the future ported to PlayStation TotoSehati. In 2009, The Shed and Damned and The Ballad of Gay Tony were offered the Xbox 360 as development packs to Grand Burglary Auto IV; a "critical participation" between Rockstar and Microsoft developed the timed exclusivity. The expansions focus on individualities that played an rather small role usually computer system system system system computer system system computer game, and whose stories occur at the same time with Grand Burglary Auto TotoSehati. Both continuouslied remain in the future offered the PlayStation 3 and Home home home home home home windows as aspect of a collection, enlabelled Grand Burglary Auto: Episodes from Flexibility City, also available on Xbox TotoSehati.