日本のテレビ:放射線量と地域の子供たちの10倍の年間限度 | 乖離のぶろぐ(*´∀`)吸い込んで応援
Japan TV: Children in area with radiation dose 10 times annual limit (VIDEO)
Published: September 26th, 2012 at 6:52 pm ET
By ENENews

Title: 1.867μSv/h in Iitate village vs 1.139μSv/h in Fukushima city
By: guardianofmiyagi
Date Published: Sep 26, 2012

1.139 microsieverts per hour in Fukushima City, 60 kilometers from Fukushima Daiichi
1.139 microsieverts/hour * 24 hours/day * 365 days/year = 9,997 microsieverts per year (10 millisieverts per year)
The Japanese government’s radiation dose limit for the public is set at 1 millisievert per year -Yomiuri

Watch the video here
1.867μSv/h in Iitate village vs 1.139μSv/h in Fukushima city

guardianofmiyagi さんが 2012/09/26 に公開
Broadcast in Japan. Sep 2012. 山の中の1.8と都市の1.1は、どちらがより深刻でしょうか?片方、警戒区域。もう片方、住んでよいとされている地域...