Covid Jabs の接種を受けた後に、月経周期の異常、出血量の過多、閉経後の異常出血などが、海外の代替メディアで報告されるのを、私は、これまでにも多く見てきましたが、















これらは、Covid fake vaxを受けた方々の症状をまとめたものですが、これから紹介するのは、そのような月経異常が、Covid Jabsを受けた人だけでなく受けていない人にも、シェディングの影響で、生じているという報告についての動画です。





という代替メディアチャンネルで、MARIA ZEEEというオーストラリア人の女性のホストの方が、


Tiffany Parotto さんというワクチンの危険性について10数年来の調査をしている方と、Dr. James Thorp というCovid fake vaxの危険性を訴えている著名な医師をインタビューしている動画です。






Tiffany Parotto さんの最初の方の会話を以下に書き出しました(機械翻訳付き)。


"I have been researching vaccines for over a decade now before I have my first child. So, I’m somewhat familiar how the vaccine industry and pharmaceutical industry works.


And, through the years of helping other people get kind of educated and learnt to research themselves on what they should get on their children, I developed a really kind of great network of very smart people, people like Dr. James Thorp here.


And, it was really interesting, because obviously when Covid started, and they first released vaccines, we all worried that there are going to be some major side effects, especially because they rushed, and especially because it was a new mRNA technology. And so, we were all holding our breaths knowing that we were going to probably see the effects of those who did decide to get injected.


But while we realized pretty quickly, actually is that it wasn’t just those who received the vaccine that were beginning to see side effects. So, a little personal story, a friend of mine came to me, and she was spotting for several weeks. And she said she was not pregnant, I don’t know what’s wrong, it’s really weird, I didn’t get the shot, .....


And then some friends of mine on Instagram shared her things, they were also having menstrual irregularity, weird periods, miss periods, long periods, a random spotting. And, I started a conversation with her and she said do you think it’s possible that these vaccines could be shedding? And I was like, I don’t know. Let me ask around. …" (3:18 – 4:53)









そして、インスタグラムで私の友人たちが彼女のことをシェアしました。彼女らも月経不順、奇妙な生理、生理不順、長い生理、不規則な出血があったそうなのです。そして、彼女と会話を始めたら、『これらのワクチンがシェディングされる可能性はあると思う?』私は、『どうかしら?ちょっと聞いてみます。...』という感じでした。」(3:18 – 4:53)



"We went on Instagram live, and the conversation of women who were experiencing issues, having been only around those who were recently vaccinated, literally exploded overnight. We had hundreds of, thousands of shares, tons of new likes, and then this explosion of a conversation began that nobody start coming which was I didn’t get the shot but I having serious menstrual issues.


And so, over the course of probably two or three weeks, there were Facebook groups that were created, and tens of thousands of women were sharing very similar stories, some with minor menstrual irregularities and some with extremely, extremely, severe issues as well.


So women were talking about how they had been bleeding for three months straight, um how they were completely missing periods, but not having positive pregnancy tests, how they were having several miscarriages.


And then over the course of the weeks we were tracking a bruising um a huge issue that we saw was massive clotting, massive clotting, a softball size clots coming out of women’s vaginas in the shower. And stories just came flooding. And we realized that something was very, very, wrong with that.


And then I don’t know where the censorship got came through, and started erasing all the accounts. Every Facebook group, every social media account, that were sharing these stories, every connection to the probability that either this was something that was happening was erased. And so, ..." (5:12 - 7:00)










そして、どこからか検閲が入り、全てのアカウントを削除し始めたのです。Facebook グループや ソーシャルメディアのアカウントで これらの話を共有していた人たちは すべて削除されました。これは何か起きているのだろうかという 確信につながるものはすべてです。それで...」(5:12 - 7:00)







このような場合、もし、Covid Jabsを受けていたら、それが原因である可能性を考えてみる必要があります。また、たとえ、受けていなくても、シェディングの可能性も疑ってみる必要があります。




幸い、Covid fake vax後遺症に対応してくださるクリニックや鍼灸院があるようなので、お心当たりのある方は、そのようなところを訪れてみるのもよいかもしれませんね。







