






consummate ~を完成する、完全な、この上ない

It was necessary for the interloper to consummate a convincing story in order to access to the exihibit.

subterfuge 逃げ口上、口実

The experienced teacher realized that Ricky's stmachache was merely a subterfuge to keep him from the French test.

fallacious 誤った推論に基づく、人を惑わす

Because the inspector had only cursory attention to the reports, I surmised that his conclusion would be fallacious.

assiduous 根気強い、勤勉な

Florence Nightingale was a paragon of mercy in her assiduous care for the wounded soldiers.

impeccable 申し分のない

Although basically frugal, his taste in clothing is impeccable.

fraught ~に満ちた、気がかりな

Fear permeated the crippled airplane as the passengers realized that their situation was fraught with danger.

exult 歓喜する

When the College Board scores were promulgated, my sister had good cause to exult.

gullible だまされやすい

Explaining that the bookkeeper was merely gullible dupe, the judge freed him from complicity from the crime.