wistful 物欲しそうな、物思いに沈んだ

To be candid, there is little to be wistful about in the "good old days."

virile 男らしい

entourage 側近たち

corpulent 太った

Is there any veracity in the platitude that corpulant men are jocose?

elucidate ~を解明する

cupidity 貪欲

demur 異議を唱える

truculent 残酷な、けんかっぱやい

ruminate 思いめぐらす

An anomaly of our modern technology is that the more we need to know, the less time we have to ruminate.

taut 緊張した

There was a taut international situation caused by the proximity of unidentified submarines to our coasts.

vertigo 目まい

castigate ~を懲戒する、酷評する

propitious 幸先の良い

equanimity 平静、落ち着き

quandary 困惑

duress 強迫、強制

deride ~をあざける

vituperative 口汚い