contemptuous 軽蔑を示す

deluge 水浸しになる、殺到する

The office was deluged with requests for his autograph as the girls became cognizant of his identity.

futility 無益

In spite of his efforts to cajole the girl, she remained aloof, and the futility of his efforts made him lugubrious.

latent 隠れた

libel 名誉毀損

Publishers of newspapers and magazimes augment their stuff with lawyers to represent them when they are sued for libel.

besmirch ~を中傷する

tantamount 等しい

deprecate 不賛成を唱える

The cynic will deprecate the motives of anyone who tries to ameliorate the iniquities in our society.

frail ひ弱な

His awesome mental dexterity compensated for his frail physical condition.

erudite 博学な

incumbent 義務としてかかってくる、現職の 

germane 密接な関係がある

whet ~を刺激する