cogent 適切な、説得力のある

specious 見せかけだけの

spurious にせの、不純な

In the confragration that followed, no one questioned whether the original charge had been spurious.

perfunctory うわべだけの

preclude ~を排除する、妨げる

innocuous 無害な

There appears to be no such thing as an innocuous heresy.

surfeit 過度の

When can we expect a respite from the surfeit of TV commercials?

lassitude だるさ、脱力感

After the frenzy that accompanied the burning of the effigy, they were all acutely aware of a feeling of lassitude.

dissent 異議を唱える

The gist of his ominous suggestion was that we dissent from the majority opinion.



 来週に向けて、パワーポイントと格闘中! よくプレゼンをする方なら楽々なんでしょうね~。私の仕事はあまりそういう機会がなくて、ほぼ1年ぶり。やり始めると、アニメーション機能で遊んじゃったりして、妙に時間を食ってます。問題は、話す中身だとは思いつつべーっだ!