constrict ~を抑える、束縛する

It is imprudent for a youngster to constrict her circle of friends so that there is no opportunity to meet new people.

bereft 喪失感に苦しめられた、bereave の過去・過去分詞形

The catastrophe left him bereft of all his possessions.

exultation 歓喜、有頂天

She was filled with exultation when she learned her SAT score was near the maximum.

invective 悪口、激しい非難

It is difficult to keep invective out of our discussion about the enermy.

inveterate 慢性の、常習的な

Doctors agree that it is imperative that inveterate smokers give up that imprudent habit

adamant きわめて固い、動じない

The umpire was adamant about his decision to call the runner out.